


Buying a home can be a exhausting and stressful situation for some . We at True North Realty are here to ease your fears and make your home buying process a stress free and comfortable transaction. We are available for you 7 days a week and no question goes unanswered.



Selling your home isn’t as easy as putting up a for-sale sign and waiting for the offers to roll in. In fact, a lot of prep work goes into getting a house on the market. Spring and summer are typically the best times to sell your home, as families want to move before the school year starts, and nice weather makes for easier home viewings and inspections. But increased inventory means spring and summer buyers can afford to be pickier, and the climate in different areas can affect the best time to sell a house, too.

Your needs will factor in, too. If you’re moving for a job that starts next month in another state, the time to sell is obviously as soon as possible. Or, if you’re house hunting, the time to sell might be to-be-determined based on when you’re in the process of buying.

We will guide you and help decide when the best time to put your house on the market and then use that as a target date to have your home sale-ready.